Monday, May 28, 2007

First Day of School...

So I’m sitting here in the flat, listening to the Qur’an being chanted/sung over the television. Pretty freakin’ awesome, if I do say so myself…

So the first day of classes ended a few hours ago. It looks like it’s going to be really productive. I’m glad I didn’t take the instructor’s offer to go to MSA 2, because today in class we not only covered stuff that Al-Kitaab didn’t even touch, but we corrected stuff that Al-Kitaab/Adel got wrong/didn’t explain well. Both ECA and MSA were taught in about 85% Arabic today, and I have the feeling that English will be phased out completely over the next few days. It’ll be work, but it’ll be a lot of fun.

There are a lot of really cool/interesting people taking classes at the school. Literally, there are students from all over the world. It looks like Elliott and I are going to be taking the flat from a dude name Luke in the Fall. This is his second summer here, and he seems to be really good. We've pretty much been treating him as our guide. Really cool guy.

But the flat that we're taking from Luke in the We looked at it this afternoon, and it's awesome. It''s on the top floor of a high rise in the most chic neighborhood in Cairo, with a view that overlooks the Nile and Cairo as far as you can see. And it's really cheap - not much more than we're paying now. In case you can't tell, I'm excited.

So last night Adam and I were hanging out with his uncles and their friends at Trianon. We were talking about how the can recognize which country an Arab is from by looking at their face, and one of the friends, Idris (who is really cool), made the comment that even though I look like I come from Northern Europe, my soul seemed Mediterranean. He explained by saying that it seemed like I understood Arabs. It was a really interesting comment, and I indulged in it for the rest of the night. Anyways, they're good people as they say back home.

Alright, well homework calls...


Anonymous said...

wow, that is quite a compliment from my uncle's friend. i'm glad you are having such an amazing time...!

Joan said...

When did you get so interesting?
Hope you keep having a good time.